

Foods for Thought RD:

Not your conventional approach towards diet. Not your average blog about food and nutrition.

First, welcome! I’m here to talk about all things food and nutrition for mental health and well-being. Foods for Thought RD is here to help you understand the impact of diet and lifestyle on mental health.

Jason Pawloski, MS, RDN – Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

I specialize in weight loss, gut health, and helping others understand how daily food choices impact mental health.

As a dietitian, I combine science and evidence-based practice with my expertise as a personal trainer. In other words, I’m here to help you:

  • Eat better for brain health and mental well-being
  • Lose weight or maintain your desired weight
  • Troubleshoot and find solutions to chronic digestive problems

I know you might be thinking, one more blog about food and nutrition! I know there’s a lot out there. But I’m here to help fight the stigma of mental health and help you realize you can make a difference. A difference, not just in your physical health, but also in your overall mental well-being when you work smart with lifestyle changes.

Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award – Arizona State University, 2012
Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year – Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2017

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Please Note: information on this site is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended for any of this information to replace personalized and informed medical care from your medical provider. Before making any significant diet changes or beginning a weight loss program, please first consult with your doctor or healthcare provider.

If you would like to get in touch or just have a question, please let me know. Either drop me an email or call and leave a voicemail, and I’ll get back as soon as I can. My contact information is linked here.